[openstack-dev] [ironic][stable] Re-adding Jim Rollenhagen to ironic stable maintenance team?
Ruby Loo
2018-05-11 14:31:45 UTC
Greetings folks,
Is there any objection if we re-add Jim to the ironic-stable-maint
team? He was a member prior to his brief departure and I think it
would be good to have another set of hands that can approve the
changes as three doesn't seem like quite enough when everyone is busy.
Glad you brought it up cuz I wanted to re-add him to this, when we re-added
him back as an ironic core :)

Thanks for making it happen,
Julia Kreger
2018-05-11 12:37:43 UTC
If there are no objections, I'll re-add him next week.
I don't remember if we actually can add people to these teams or it has to
be done by the main stable team.
I'm fairly sure I'm the person who deleted him from the group in the
first place :( As such, I think I has the magical powers... maybe

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Tony Breeds
2018-05-15 01:33:48 UTC
Post by Julia Kreger
If there are no objections, I'll re-add him next week.
I don't remember if we actually can add people to these teams or it has to
be done by the main stable team.
I'm fairly sure I'm the person who deleted him from the group in the
first place :( As such, I think I has the magical powers... maybe
I'm not sure you do have access to do that as the group is owned by

That being said I've re-added Jim. Technically it's nest week now :)

Yours Tony.
